It is impossible not to catch an alarm when it goes off because the siren will run for at least 10 minutes till the system id deactivated. When an alarm is being triggered, besides manually shutting down the system to terminate the siren, systems that are connected to mobile phones will ring the users up.
Others may inform neighbours or relatives or remote service or call centres that are on 24/7 stand-by may be alerted, so that a qualified security officer will be sent to the activated premises to attend to the situation. There are also incidences, even though less common, but not unpractised, that is to be link directly to nearby police departments, so that police officers notified immediately.
Unless the alarm system is poorly maintained, false alarm or alarm going off without formal prompting should not happen. On average, the case of false alarm should not account for more than 10 to 25%. To prevent abnormalities, it is crucial to have an eye for the following.
On top of regular maintenance, do check if the battery life is running low. Sometimes, system goes off hand due to not enough electricity; do expect to change for new batteries every two to three years. Usually the control panel comes with an indicator, informing you the battery life, so that you can make advance plan to replace them when they start to run low. Besides batteries, other kinds of power interruptions such as blackouts or adjustments in existing circuits may also disturb the alarm system, causing power flickering and eventually, setting it off. The more sensitive the alarm system, the easier it is succumb to power failure, because it assumes that intruders are trying to cut off the power supply so as to escape from the surveillance.
Sometimes, inappropriate wiring may also be culpable as it causes short circuit, forcing the system to come to a complete full stop. When this happens, it is important to ensure that no component of the system is damaged and re-wiring needs to take place. Even though non-wired alarm system may escape the fate of short circuit, they are not barred from unique threats such as interference. This is common when the same alarm system is tied in with other wireless devices within the same surveillance system, like remotes or door openers.
Do not neglect the effects of natural disasters or simply dirty sensors as these factors may affect the sensitivity of the system and mounting up to the possibilities of triggering false alarms. Therefore, to ensure a always correct alarm system, it is best to start from basic maintenance and be thorough.